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No one could survive without their daily entertainment fix. Thus, a TV acquires a significant role in practically every home. Owning the nicest TV set possible is a significant investment in and of itself. However, you must take enough time to choose good floating TV units for this device after you have bought it. A modular floating TV units is an essential piece of furniture for the house. Modern and multifunctional characteristics define this sort of device. The value of this unit's necessity is not given enough weight by many people. But with a modular TV cabinet from Wooden Street, customers can make both their TV and their entire living area look much more upscale.

Fortunately, there are many different designs available for modular TV units. These cabinets, which range from traditional to minimalist, not only accommodate your TV but also allow you to store or show a variety of other goods. Trust us when we tell that if you have a useful wooden floating TV units in your living room, you won't need to spend a lot of money on home décor. Small apartment dwellers can have stands that are just as contemporary as those in larger residences. The following features of your unit should be on your radar if you're considering purchasing one for your area.

Any type of room can accommodate a modular floating TV units. However, you must choose something that enhances the size of your room. If you have a large room, you might want to choose ornate wooden cabinets with lots of open shelves and storage drawers. However, if your room is smaller, do not panic. You can place a plywood television unit on your wall. With their selection of modular TV stands, Wooden Street can meet any need you may have.

Never undervalue the value of high-quality materials when looking for floating TV units. They are made to support the weight of your TV, so you should always buy a sturdy one. You may be confident that you won't compromise on the quality parameter by using materials like engineered wood. A variety of units constructed of high-quality wood are available.

One of the defining characteristics of a contemporary modular floating TV units is storage. However, not everyone requires storage. You can look into solutions that include some storage space if you need a spot to organise a variety of stuff. Those units with closed drawers will be ideal if there is a lot of clutter that needs to be hidden. Make the best choice after analysing your storage requirements. Any modular floating TV units you buy should match the rest of your decor, regardless of the design.

Are you considering purchasing a new TV but unsure of the size of the stand? Maybe you purchased floating TV units without comparing it to your TV?

Regardless of the circumstance, you may be wondering if it's acceptable for your TV to be larger than your floating TV units or vice versa.

It is advised that floating TV units be at least two inches wider than televisions. This size disparity gives the TV extra support and prevents it from toppling over.

You may not be aware that TVs are measured from the upper-right corner to the bottom-left corner. If you didn't, your TV has likely been measured incorrectly for the entire time.

Since TVs are measured diagonally, the sizes advertised on television only accurately reflect the size of the TV screen. The width of the frame is excluded.

It can be challenging to determine your TV's true size given the screen measurement. Additionally, it explains why some individuals wind up with TV stands that are either too large or too small.

You can prevent this problem by knowing the true width of your TV. Simply use a measuring tape to cross your television from left to right.

Don't forget to take the frame into account when measuring.

Write down the size once you have it so you won't forget it. The note is yours to keep when you go stand shopping!

How Do I Choose the Best floating TV units?

Finding a decent floating TV units requires more than just measuring your TV before making a purchase.

A two-hour movie isn't the most pleasant thing to watch with your neck twisted. On the couch, neither is slouching. So choosing the proper floating TV units height is crucial to a comfortable viewing experience.

It's easy to obtain these measurements:

Step 1: While seated, measure the distance from the floor to the average sightline of the inhabitants of your home using a measuring tape.

Step 2: Deduct half of that amount from the height of the TV. As a result, viewers' ideal floating TV units height should be achieved.

TV stands' width is measured horizontally rather than diagonally. Picking floating TV units that is a few inches larger than your TV is a good general rule of thumb. No more than two-thirds of your stand should be taken up by your TV.

The floating TV units can and ought to be larger than the television. However, your TV cannot exceed the size of your stand.

Your TV will have additional support if it tips over with a larger floating TV units. A smaller stand, on the other hand, will send your TV tumbling to the ground if it tips over.

What Sizes of floating TV units Are Typically Used?

To assist consumers in selecting the appropriate size stands, TV stand manufacturers frequently create generic suggestions. Nevertheless, bear in mind that these measures are merely approximations. You shouldn't depend too heavily on them.

Take all the measurements yourself instead, and take your notes with you when you shop.

Small stands are frequently defined as those that measure 42, 54, and 60 inches in width. They offer reliable service in a little package.

It's excellent for small living spaces. 34 to 63-inch TVs are compatible with small TV stands (diagonally).

Customers who want a big surface area and some storage options will love medium stands. These stands are frequently 64 to 70 inches wide and are utilised in living rooms or bedrooms.

The largest floating TV units have the biggest storage space and surface area. Typically, they are situated in living rooms or home theatres.

Additionally, they are frequently 74, 76, or 85 inches wide. With 63 to 73-inch TVs, large stands are appropriate (diagonally).

How much larger than my TV should my floating TV units be?

The distance between your TV and floating TV units should be 2 to 3 inches. It's quite acceptable if you locate a larger one with a design you like. The purchase of a stand that is narrower than the real width of your TV is something you should avoid doing.

A 50-inch TV stand can accommodate a 55-inch TV. However, you must also take your TV's actual width with its frame into account.

The standard width of a 55-inch TV is 45 inches. That applies to the current crop of fashionable, slim contemporary frames.

However, a 50-inch stand might not be the greatest option if your frame is significantly thicker.

For security, think about purchasing a 55- or 60-inch stand.

Eyestrain and neck ache, two of the worst feelings in the world, can result from looking up at your TV. It's highly advised to face your TV directly for the greatest viewing experience.

Your TV is more likely to topple over and tumble to the ground if its stand is too narrow. Smaller floating TV units might not have what you're searching for if storage space is what you're needing.

Identify the exact width of your TV so you can get the ideal TV stand to go with it.

Yes, experts advise having floating TV units that is at least 3 to 6 inches wider or longer than your television. This size takes into account how your TV will be mounted and how it will rest on top of the entertainment centre.

You may be wondering how to take accurate measurements for floating TV units. Why do I want my TV to be wider than the television stand? So, as we address these inquiries and more, take a seat back, unwind, and enjoy the show!


Your room will look its finest when your TV is smaller than your floating TV units from an aesthetic standpoint. This arrangement is balanced and appealing to the eye.

Who wants that, right? Therefore, if your television console is bigger than your TV, it could make your TV appear smaller than it actually is.


Priority one is safety! You don't want your TV to readily tumble over if it is bumped into or to topple over onto little children. By purchasing the proper-sized console, you can be safe in the knowledge that your TV will be stable.

It may appear simple to measure a TV because the size is typically marked on the box. To find the proper-sized floating TV units, most individuals don't know how to measure a TV properly.

Let's go through some pointers for taking measurements correctly for your next TV stand.

What width ought a floating TV units to have?

TVs are often measured diagonally, but TV stands are typically measured horizontally. Additionally, the manufacturer's specs do not take into account the screen's frame.

In light of this, start by running the measuring tape from the bottom left corner to the top right of the TV. Be sure to account for the TV frame when taking your measurements. When looking for a TV stand, keep that number in mind to write down!

Additionally, your TV stand should be 3 to 6 inches to at least as broad as your TV.

For instance, match a 50-inch TV with a floating TV units that is between 53 and 56 inches long. This makes room for certain decorations and enables the TV's proper placement.

Of course, you are always free to exceed the suggested range of 3 to 6 inches.

How tall should floating TV units be?

In relation to the size of your TV, we have determined the recommended width of your floating TV units. What about height, though?

You shouldn't have your neck cocked either too high or too low. We'll go over how to measure for the height of your next TV stand down below.

First, ask a friend or member of your family to take a seat on your couch and measure how far their eyes are from the ground. Next, double the height of your TV by two after measuring it. Your TV's centre will be this number.

The floor number is then obtained by deducting that amount from the previously measured eyeballs. The perfect height for your future TV console is at this level.

What depth ought a floating TV units to have?

The size of your television determines how deep your TV stand should be. For instance, a TV stand with a depth of 15 to 18 inches would be appropriate for a 43-inch TV. Your TV stand depth should be at least 20 inches for a 60-inch TV.

These dimensions guarantee that your TV won't protrude and that it can support your DVD player, PlayStation, and all of your wires.

A TV stand may be longer than the TV.

Since it may present a safety risk, this is not advised. The floating TV units might get so top-heavy that someone might get hurt if it fell down. Additionally, it will make your room look unbalanced and out of proportion.

How far away from the TV should I sit?

You should generally sit at least 1.5 to 2.5 times your screen's diagonal width away from the computer. This much room makes it easier on the eyes and more fun to view your favourite programmes.

For a 40-inch TV, for instance, you should position yourself between 5 and 8.5 feet from the display.


  • The optimum viewing angles - By attaching your TV, you can make the most of the adjustable swivel. This is useful if you need to move your TV to the left or right while multitasking.
  • Storage - You won't be constrained when looking for the ideal-sized TV stands. Instead of under the TV, you may place it anyplace in your room. The possibilities for a bigger TV stand with greater storage expand as a result.
  • Decor - By mounting your TV, you'll have more room on the floating TV units for accessories and artwork.
  • Safer – Your TV won't be easily knocked over by someone bumping into it. The condition is advantageous to both your TV and your loved ones.


  • More pricey – The majority of TV mounts cost between £100 and £300. By choosing to mount your TV on the console, you might save this money.
  • Hide the cables – The majority of individuals are unsure about what to do with all the wires. However, with a few DIY tricks, you can cover wires with ease.



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